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Thursday, January 29, 2009

Google Docs Transferred and Calendar in Progress...

The content of the Google Docs account I had set up has been moved to our new public Google Docs account (username: WPISantaFe) that was set up for ease of use. I created two folders so far, one for meeting minutes (which is now up to date) and one for meeting agendas.

Also, I am in progress of transferring our event calendar to that account as well. This will also be much easier to use, and everyone can now add to it.

After this, I'll concentrate on the Wiki...

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Questions for Natalie at the IGSD

I will meet with Natalie Mello next week to get information regarding previous IQPs and MQPs.
So far our questions are:
1. What majors are offered the fewest choices?
2. What were the names of the people involved in the Nantucket Project center?
3. How many available spaces were most recently offered in each of the current project centers?
4. Relatively, how many applicants most recently applied to each of the current project centers?
5. How many students were deferred? Accepted?

WPI Camp Pictures

Free Oscilloscopes

Here is the email about the free oscilloscopes

in case you are interested, see Prof Koehler directly

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Used Oscilloscopes
Date: Tue, 27 Jan 2009 18:42:00 -0500
From: Koehler, Stephan A. <sak@WPI.EDU>
To: potpourri@WPI.EDU <potpourri@WPI.EDU>

This is one for the true afficionados:
We have about three old, 1980s vintage Tektronix Oscilloscopes that we are clearing out. They appear to be in good condition, and even have carts.
Please come by and take them!
Stephan Koehler
Assistant Professor of Physics, WPI
100 Institute Road
Worcester MA 01609
508 831 5090

Please note that any views or opinions presented in this email are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of the university. See to refer to the AUP and to manage membership in the potpourri list.

Meeting Minutes in the Future -- UPDATED!

Meeting Minutes will now be posted on Google Docs and sent as links in email, or posted on the blog, depending on what we decide in our meeting today... Update to come.

Anyway, here are the current meeting minutes files, both in .doc and .pdf formats.
1/26/2009 Meeting Minutes (Group Meeting w/ Prof. Carrera)

1/26/2009 Meeting Minutes (Group Meeting w/ Prof. Carrera) PDF

UPDATE -- Meeting Minutes & Agendas (as well as other relevant docs) are now posted on our new GMail account.... 
username: WPISantaFe

Monday, January 26, 2009

Meeting Minutes - 1/23/2009

Meeting Minutes – Friday, January 23, 2009 – 5PM


Items Discussed

Status and Updates:

            Appointed Sam to keep group itinerary for the Santa Fe trip [SD]

            Previous IQP bootstrap scanning is in progress [CH]

            Discussed wiki and blog status

                        Blog is “informal” posting area

                        Wiki is “official” posting area

            Discussed emailing Steve and Kyle Miller -- both said they would get back to us             regarding “mini/example” projects [CH]


Assignment 2

            Finalized Assignment Two, accepted by all group members

            Mission statement has been updated

            Closed assignment two


Assignment 3

            Discussed current project titles… brainstormed new ones

                        Santa Fe Project Center Viability Study

            Introduction Bullets – Covered in Assignment Two?

            Determine what our mini IQP is going to be…

                        Research Potential IQPs

                        Figure out a methodology

                        Chris will be in charge of mini IQP retrieval – once we have these                                                 itemized, we             will vote on a mini IQP

                        Partially finish a few projects, and determine whether they would be                                     feasible to finish

                        Identify potential sponsors from here, once in Santa Fe, meet with                                                 sponsors (Kalenian?) to…

Action Items:

            Topics of Research for this weekend:

                        Research general history of Santa Fe [ALL]

                        Invite Kyle Miller to our group meetings [CH]?

            Information Requirements

            Talk to Natalie Mello regarding previous IQP statistics [DW]

            Next Friday, 1/30/09, meeting in the library for research of Santa Fe [ALL]

            Decided on Wednesday at 3PM – For a meeting with the research staff at the             Library [ALL]

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Planes Trains and...Banana Peels?

I thought this might be a useful link to is the train schedule for the New Mexico Railrunner. Saturday Schedule, Weekday Schedule, Fares, and last but not least, the weekday bus and Saturday bus from the airport to the train station.

Google Calendar

More exciting news. Scratch that, anyone and everyone who clicks that google calendar link can see the posted meetings.


Just updated the wiki with a link to this here blog as well as a link to the google calendar, which I have a sneaking suspicion nobody can click unless they are a contributor to the calendar.

I also tried embedding the calendar on the wiki with no luck, so perhaps someone a little bit more tech savvy than I am would be able to do that. I'll look into it further at a later date.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Hey all. I just want to make sure I can post.


Well, it's great seeing everybody here.
Due to the shortage of time, we'll get right down to work.

Transportation is the topic of the day.

For you I have Planes, Trains, and Automobiles